In the present society, the tendency of various countrys evidence system is mainly the free evaluation of evidence, and do some reform as well. 当代各国证据制度的发展趋势是以自由心证主义为主,并进行了相应的改良。
Admissibility and evaluation of evidence (三)证据的可接受性和评估
Research of the Conception of Legal Evidence and Discretional Evaluation of Evidence; Approach the Connotation of TCM Theory about Preventing and Treating Emotional Diseases in Neijing 对法定证据制度与自由心证制度内涵的探究《内经》防治情志病证理论的科学内涵探讨
The principle of free evaluation of evidence for most countries in the world today established the basic principles of a lawsuit. 自由心证原则是当今世界上多数国家所确立的一项诉讼基本原则。
From the origin of discretional evaluation of evidence up till now, a set of rather perfect restraining has been come into being to give a limit before, during and after discretion. 自由行动,不受约束从其产生至今,已经形成了一整套的较为完善的约束机制对自由心证从事前、中、后进行约束。
A Preliminary Discussion about Discretional Evaluation of Evidence under the Verification Mode in China; Freedom and Regulations of Discretional Evaluation 浅议我国印证证明模式下的自由心证论自由心证的自由与不自由
In this paper, the judicial practice in China, try to find a free heart card heart card open, public process of evaluation of evidence of the theoretical basis and practical feasibility. 本文结合我国司法实践,试寻求自由心证、心证公开、心证过程公开的理论依据和实践的可行性。
Official notice, however, is often confused with the application of expertise in the evaluation of evidence. 然而在评估证据时,官方通知往往和适用专长知识相混淆。
By analyzing the manner of adjudication through evidences and the factors influencing the adjudication, this thesis tries to explore the nature of judiciary proceedings, especially the essential connotation of the system of discretional evaluation of evidence. 本文围绕证据裁判的活动方式和影响证据裁判活动的各种因素分析,试图从理论上探寻司法审判活动的规律,尤其是自由心证的本质内涵。
The persuading of audit evidence, the criterion of auditing procedures, the provisions of electronic evidence, and the evaluation of evidence. 还有审计证据的说服性、审计程序的规范、电子证据的规定和审计证据的评价等。
This paper represents the tendency of the development of system of evidence in the world that the combination of discretional evaluation of evidence and rules of evidence which we should adopt. 自由心证与证据规则相结合,代表了当今世界各国证据制度发展的潮流,我国的证据制度应采自由心证与证据规则结合的证明模式。
Discretional evaluation of evidence is the cornerstone of fact finding in modern litigation of the continental law system. 在现代大陆法系诉讼中,自由心证是事实认定的基石。
Discretional Evaluation of Evidence and Independent Judgment 自由心证与法官依法独立判断
Through adopting means and standards of proof of presumption, free evaluation of evidence, conviction intime, system of changing burden of proof to change relevant methods to rely on deposition. 通过采用推定、自由心证和内心确信的认证方法和标准以及证明责任转移制度等改变我国刑法立法和司法审判中依赖口供的有关做法等。
So the system of free evaluation of evidence needs it. 因此,现代自由心证制度离不开心证过程公开的要求。
The experience rule is playing an enormous role and function in civil proceedings. It is not only an important basis and premise of free evaluation of evidence of judge, but also a reasonable constraint. 经验法则在民事诉讼中发挥着巨大的作用和功能,是法官自由心证的重要依据和前提,同时也对法官心证的形成进行合理的约束。
The experience rule is the internal restraint of the free evaluation of evidence. 经验法则是自由心证的内在制约。
Finally, we studied the reliability evaluation of evidence and the combination of unreliable evidences. In the context of decision level recognition fusion, an algorithm for combining unreliable evidences has been presented. 最后对不可靠证据的评估与组合问题进行了研究,在决策层融合目标识别的应用背景下,对可靠性相异的证据组合提出了一种新的融合目标识别算法。
In the choice of verification mode, by comparing the pros and cons between free evaluation of evidence and legal evidence, a new-type of evidence system is advocated by taking the free evaluation of evidence as the mainstay, and the legal evidence as the supplementary. 在证明模式的选择上,比较了自由心证和法定证据的利弊,主张建立以自由心证为主体、以法定证据为补充的新型证据制度。
In our country, on a Free Evaluation of Evidence applicable in administrative proceedings is very little research. 在我国,关于自由心证在行政诉讼中的适用研究非常少。
Free evaluation of evidence is an evidence-evaluation principle widely adopted by modern countries under the rule of law. 自由心证是现代法治国家普遍采用的证据评价原则。
There are three types of systems in the history of human as fellow: Evidence System of God Shows, System of Legal Evidence and Free Evaluation of Evidence. 在人类历史上,先后经历了神示证据制度、法定证据制度和自由心证制度三种历史类型的刑事证据制度。
The discretional evaluation of evidence by judges depends on the evidence rules, in which the distribution of the burden of proof occupies the most important place that decides the judgment. 法官自由裁量权的行使离不开证据规则的作用和影响,而在证据规则中占据重要地位的证明责任分配制度决定了判决的最终形成。
This article attempts to research the statutory origin, development, sources of law, rules, characteristics of the legal evidence system, and finds out the reasons that replaced by the free evaluation of evidence and analysis of their historical conditions at the time a specific function. 本文试图考查法定证据制度的起源、发展、法律渊源、规则、特征以及最后为自由心证取代的原因,并分析其在当时历史条件下特定的功能。
After a legal evidence, after the free evaluation of evidence, resulting in a more fair and transparent public system of evidence, European and American countries have developed their own national conditions consistent with the open system of evidence. 在经过了法定证据、自由心证制度之后,产生了更加公正、透明的心证公开制度,欧美各国先后建立了符合自己国情的心证公开制度。
Free evaluation of evidence are a compound concept formed by freedom and the state of evidence evaluation. 自由心证是由自由和心证二词组合而成的复合概念。
However, it is this flexibility, making the free evaluation of evidence system, once produced have been subjected to questioning and criticism. 然而,正是这种灵活性,使得自由心证制度一经产生就遭到符种质疑和批判。
The system of free evaluation of evidence at modern times emphasizes reasonable restrictions to the judge. 现代自由心证制度强调对法官心证的合理制约,因此又称为客观自由心证。
First of all, the author analyses the concept of the the standard of proof system in litigation through legal truth, discretional evaluation of evidence and burden of proof. 首先介绍了行政诉讼证明标准的概念。笔者从法律真实、自由心证、举证责任这三个方面对行政诉讼证明标准的概念进行了分析,从而对行政诉讼证明的概念作出了明确的界定。
The disclosure of evaluation process of evidence is important aspect of the disclosure of evaluation of evidence. 心证过程公开是心证公开中很重要的一个方面,是心证制约的重要措施。